Conferences & Fieldwork
International Academic Conferences
No. | Name | Conference Title | Host Country | Host Institution | Conference Period (Presentation Date) | Panel Name | Paper Title |
1 | 김선아 | 2021 The World Congress for Korean Politics and Society: Challenging the Crisis – A Korean Way in the Historical Transformation | South Korea (Online) | The Korean Political Science Association (KPSA) | 2021.08.18.-20. (2021.08.18.) | SNU GSIS BK21 Panel: Invention, Un-invention, and Dis-invention of Tradition as a Korean Way of Overcoming the Crises of Modernization in the 20th Century | Na Hye-Sok (1896-1948): A Female Pioneer of Modern Korea |
2 | 김수정 | 2021 The World Congress for Korean Politics and Society | South Korea (Online) | The Korean Political Science Association (KPSA) | 2021.08.18.-20. (2021.08.18.) | SNU GSIS BK21 Panel | Traditions Invented and Uninvented: A Comparative Case Study on the Traditional Houses of Seoul |
3 | 윤하영 | 2021 The World Congress for Korean Politics and Society | South Korea (Online) | The Korean Political Science Association (KPSA) | 2021.08.18.-20. (2021.08.18.) | SNU GSIS BK21 Panel | A Discursive Institutionalist Perspective on the Low Birth Rate Issue in Korea and Japan |
4 | 조유찬 | 2021 The World Congress for Korean Politics and Society | South Korea (Online) | The Korean Political Science Association (KPSA) | 2021.08.18.-20. (2021.08.19.) | Regional Politics and Nuclear Problems Panel | Korea’s ODA Policy Towards ASEAN: Seeking Opportunities in Coordination with the New Southern Policy |
5 | 주다윤 | The Seventh African Higher Education Week and RUFORUM Triennial Conference 2021 | Benin (Online) | The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) | 2021.12.06.-10. (2021.12.09.) | Enhancing Natural Resource Sustainability and Environment Health | Exploring the Determinants of Morocco’s Robust Climate Policy with the Political Economy Approach (Dayoon Joo, Yoonki Lee, Gaeun Park, and Hyungbin Park) |
6 | 유지민 | LASA/ASIA 2022 Congress ‘Rethinking Trans-Pacific Ties: Asia and Latin America’ | USA (Online) | Latin American Studies Association | 2022.02.15.-19. (2022.02.18.) | Globalisation and Economic Development | Do Remittances Reduce the Inequality of Sending Regions? – A Case Study of Mexico (Jimin Yoo, Chong-Sup Kim) |
7 | 강나경 | The 79th Annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference 2022 | United States (Online) | Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) | 2022.04.07. 2022.04.09. | 1) Gender and Politics 2) Human Rights | 1) Electoral Gender Quota Systems and Female Legislators in East Asia 2) Unspeakable to Speakable Truth: Transitional Justice Process of April 3 Events |
8 | BK21 Panel | 2022 East Asian Anthropological Association | Taiwan (Taipei) | East Asian Anthropological Association (EAAA) | 2022.10.15.-16. (2022.10.15.) | [SNU GSIS BK21 Panel] Inclusive Education and Training: Issues in International Development and Asia | Chair: Jeehwan Park Presentation 1: Subin Cho and Jeehwan Park, Presentation 2: Yoonjeong Lim and Jiyeoun Song, Presentation 3: Do Kyung Kim, Presentation 4: Soojung Kim and Hongjian Lin, Discussant: Bo Kyung Kim |
9 | BK21 Panel | 2022 East Asian Anthropological Association | Taiwan (Taipei) | East Asian Anthropological Association (EAAA) | 2022.10.15.-16. (2022.10.16.) | [SNU GSIS BK21 Panel] Social Integration of Migrants, Refugees, and Women: Rights and Empowerment | Chair: Bo Kyung Kim Presentation 1: Hyojin Park and Chong-Sup Kim, Presentation 2: Yoolim Lee and Jiyeoun Song, Presentation 3: Songhak Shin and Bo Kyung Kim, Presentation 4: Minji Koo, Discussant: Yeri Shim |
10 | 강나경, 구관림, 줄리엔 타운센드 | 2022 East Asian Anthropological Association | Taiwan (Taipei) | East Asian Anthropological Association (EAAA) | 2022.10.15.-16. (2022.10.16.) | Family and Partnership | Acceptance of Homosexuality: a Comparative Newspaper Content Analysis in South Korea and Taiwan |
11 | 심민경 | The Third Jean Monnet Network European Transoceanic Encounters and Exchanges (ETEE) | Japan (Kobe) | European Transoceanic Encounters and Exchanges (ETEE) | 2022.11.14 | The Third Jean Monnet Network European Transoceanic Encounters and Exchanges (ETEE) | Public Perceptions on EU-Korea Relations after the EU-Korea FTA |
12 | BK21 Panel | 2023 Asian Studies Conference Japan | Japan (Tokyo) | Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ) | 2023.07.01.-02. (2023.07.01.) | [SNU GSIS BK21 Panel] Hydropolitics, Transboundary Waters, and Borderlands: Conflicts among Riparian Countries of the Mekong River | Chair: Chong-Sup Kim, Presentation 1: Bo Kyung Kim, Presentation 2: Tae Gyun Park & Chiyeong Kim, Presentation 3: Chong-Sup Kim & Yujin Gum, Presentation 4: Juhyeon Lee, Discussant: Yeri Shim |
Domestic Academic Conferences
No. | Name | Conference Title | Host Institution | Conference Period (Presentation Date) | Panel Name | Paper Title |
1 | 이수지 | 한국라틴아메리카학회 2021 하계학술대회 “라틴아메리카의 민주주의: 위기와 기회” | 한국라틴아메리카학회 | 2021.07.16. | 라틴아메리카 경제 | Factors Leading to Success or Failure of Land Reform – the Case of South Korea and Chile (김종섭, 이수지) |
2 | 김도경 | 한국정치외교사학회 2021 하계학술회의 “미중 전략경쟁과 한반도 평화체제 구축의 과제” | 한국정치외교사학회 | 2021.08.26. – 27. (2021.08.26.) | 북한 비핵화와 한반도 안보 및 평화 (대학원생 패널) | Reinforcing the National Cybersecurity Governance in South Korea: Threats and Opportunities |
3 | 강경희 | 2021 국제개발협력학회 동계학술회의 “대전환기 개발협력의 방향성: 새로운 파트너십 모색” | 국제개발협력학회 | 2021.11.26. – 27. (2021.11.26.) | Shocks, the Vulnerable, and Development Cooperation in Africa (대학원생 패널 I) | How Should International Development Strategies Approach to the prevalence of gender-based violence in Africa, especially under the COVID-19 and Beyond? |
4 | Carmen Maria Lopez | 2021 국제개발협력학회 동계학술회의 “대전환기 개발협력의 방향성: 새로운 파트너십 모색” | 국제개발협력학회 | 2021.11.26. – 27. (2021.11.26.) | 국제개발협력과 안보의 동학 (대학원생 패널 II) | The Future of the China-US Dual Hierarchy and Korea: South China Sea Dispute |
5 | 최석원 | 한국국제정치학회 2021 연례학술대회 “공생의 세계질서를 위한 한국의 국제정치학” | 한국국제정치학회 | 2021.12.10. – 11. (2021.12.10.) | 글로벌 거버넌스와 권위주의 (대학원생 패널 I) | Korean Aid Towards International Organization: Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Its relation to Asian Partners for Cooperation |
6 | 부예린 | 한국국제정치학회 2021 연례학술대회 “공생의 세계질서를 위한 한국의 국제정치학” | 한국국제정치학회 | 2021.12.10. – 11. (2021.12.10.) | 글로벌 거버넌스와 권위주의 (대학원생 패널 I) | The Fault Lines of Cyberspace Governance: A Case Study into the OEWG Process and its Geopolitical Context |
7 | 김예인 | 한국국제정치학회 2021 연례학술대회 “공생의 세계질서를 위한 한국의 국제정치학” | 한국국제정치학회 | 2021.12.10. – 11. (2021.12.10.) | 글로벌 거버넌스와 권위주의 (대학원생 패널 I) | Subnational Identities and Political Violence in post-Soviet Autocracies, 1990-2014 |
8 | 유지민 | 2021년 한국라틴아메리카학회, 외교부, 한국외대 중남미연구소 HK+사업단 공동 동계학술대회 | 한국라틴아메리카학회 | 2021.12.18. | 기후변화와 불평등 | Do Remittances Reduce the Inequality of Sending Regions? – A Case Study of Mexico (김종섭, 유지민) |
9 | 박효진 | 2022년 한국라틴아메리카학회, 부산외대 중남미지역원, 한국외대 중남미연구소 HK+사업단 공동 하계학술대회 | 한국라틴아메리카학회 | 2022.06.11 | 라틴아메리카의 여성과 정책 | 법이 관습을 견인하는가? 르완다와 니카라과의 젠더 사례 |
10 | 이수지 | 2022년 한국라틴아메리카학회, 부산외대 중남미지역원, 한국외대 중남미연구소 HK+사업단 공동 하계학술대회 | 한국라틴아메리카학회 | 2022.06.11 | 라틴아메리카의 여성과 정책 | Female Political Participation and Gender Sensitive Policies during the COVID-19 Pandemic: the Case of Latin American Countries (김종섭, 이수지) |
11 | 전현지 | 무역구제학회 2022 하계학술대회 “포스트코로나 시대의 글로벌 경제 회복력과 무역구제제도의 발전 방향” | 무역구제학회 | 2022.06.17 | 무역구제학회 패널 | Evolution and Limitations of the Lesser Duty Rule under the WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement |
12 | 장인화 | 동아시아 일본학회 추계학술대회 | 동아시아 일본학회 | 2022.11.05 | 일반연구발표 제3분과: 日本學 | 현대 일본종교의 생존전략 분석: 신사(神社)를 중심으로 |
13 | 강나경 | 2022 글로벌 코리아 포럼 | 국무조정실 | 2022.11.24 | 유럽과 가치중심의 경제협력과 개발협력 파트너십 강화 (한국EU학회) | 미중 패권구도에서 유럽의 대외 경제협력의 쟁점 |
14 | 강나경 | 2023 경제학 공동학술대회 | 한국경제학회 | 2023.02.02 | 한국EU학회 제5분과회의 | 디지털 및 녹색 전환에서의 브뤼셀 현상: 유럽연합의 지속가능한 개발 중심으로 |
Overseas Fieldwork
No. | Name | Country (Host Institution) | Position | Fieldwork Period | Research Title |
1 | Kent KAMASUMBA | Zambia (Zambia National Commission for UNESCO) |
Visiting Student Researcher | 2021.07.01. – 2021.08.13. | Background Research on ‘Aid Ownership’: Understanding East Asian Foreign Aid From a Recipient Perspective |
2 | Ha Kyeng AN | Laos (Logos Institute of Foreign Languages) |
Visitor | 2023.08.06. – 2023.08.19. | Chinese Border Policies and Border Restructuring: A Case Study of Boten and Vientiane |