Conferences & Fieldwork

International Academic Conferences

No.NameConference TitleHost CountryHost InstitutionConference Period
(Presentation Date)
Panel NamePaper Title
1김선아2021 The World Congress for Korean Politics and Society: Challenging the Crisis – A Korean Way in the Historical Transformation

South Korea


The Korean Political Science Association (KPSA)



SNU GSIS BK21 Panel: Invention, Un-invention, and Dis-invention of Tradition as a Korean Way of Overcoming the Crises of Modernization in the 20th CenturyNa Hye-Sok (1896-1948): A Female Pioneer of Modern Korea
2김수정2021 The World Congress for Korean Politics and Society

South Korea


The Korean Political Science Association (KPSA)



SNU GSIS BK21 PanelTraditions Invented and Uninvented: A Comparative Case Study on the Traditional Houses of Seoul
3윤하영2021 The World Congress for Korean Politics and Society

South Korea


The Korean Political Science Association (KPSA)



SNU GSIS BK21 PanelA Discursive Institutionalist Perspective on the Low Birth Rate Issue in Korea and Japan
4조유찬2021 The World Congress for Korean Politics and Society

South Korea


The Korean Political Science Association (KPSA)



Regional Politics and Nuclear Problems PanelKorea’s ODA Policy Towards ASEAN: Seeking Opportunities in Coordination with the New Southern Policy
5주다윤The Seventh African Higher Education Week and RUFORUM Triennial Conference 2021



The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM)



Enhancing Natural Resource Sustainability and Environment HealthExploring the Determinants of Morocco’s Robust Climate Policy with the Political Economy Approach (Dayoon Joo, Yoonki Lee, Gaeun Park, and Hyungbin Park)
6유지민LASA/ASIA 2022 Congress ‘Rethinking Trans-Pacific Ties: Asia and Latin America’



Latin American Studies Association



Globalisation and Economic DevelopmentDo Remittances Reduce the Inequality of Sending Regions? – A Case Study of Mexico (Jimin Yoo, Chong-Sup Kim)
7강나경The 79th Annual Midwest Political Science
Association Conference 2022

United States


Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA)



1) Gender and Politics
2) Human Rights
1) Electoral Gender Quota Systems and Female Legislators in East Asia
2) Unspeakable to Speakable Truth: Transitional Justice Process of April 3 Events
8BK21 Panel2022 East Asian Anthropological AssociationTaiwan (Taipei)East Asian Anthropological Association (EAAA)



[SNU GSIS BK21 Panel] Inclusive Education and Training: Issues in International Development and AsiaChair: Jeehwan Park
Presentation 1: Subin Cho and Jeehwan Park, 
Presentation 2: Yoonjeong Lim and Jiyeoun Song, 
Presentation 3: Do Kyung Kim, 
Presentation 4: Soojung Kim and Hongjian Lin, 
Discussant: Bo Kyung Kim
9BK21 Panel2022 East Asian Anthropological AssociationTaiwan (Taipei)East Asian Anthropological Association (EAAA)



[SNU GSIS BK21 Panel] Social Integration of Migrants, Refugees, and Women: Rights and EmpowermentChair: Bo Kyung Kim
Presentation 1: Hyojin Park and Chong-Sup Kim,
Presentation 2: Yoolim Lee and Jiyeoun Song,
Presentation 3: Songhak Shin and Bo Kyung Kim,
Presentation 4: Minji Koo, 
Discussant: Yeri Shim
10강나경, 구관림, 줄리엔  타운센드2022 East Asian Anthropological AssociationTaiwan (Taipei)East Asian Anthropological Association (EAAA)



Family and PartnershipAcceptance of Homosexuality: a Comparative Newspaper
Content Analysis in South Korea and Taiwan
11심민경The Third Jean Monnet Network European Transoceanic Encounters and Exchanges (ETEE)Japan (Kobe)European Transoceanic Encounters and Exchanges (ETEE)2022.11.14The Third Jean Monnet Network European Transoceanic Encounters and Exchanges (ETEE)Public Perceptions on EU-Korea Relations after the EU-Korea FTA
12BK21 Panel2023 Asian Studies Conference JapanJapan (Tokyo)Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ)2023.07.01.-02. (2023.07.01.)[SNU GSIS BK21 Panel] Hydropolitics, Transboundary Waters, and Borderlands: Conflicts among Riparian Countries of the Mekong RiverChair: Chong-Sup Kim, Presentation 1: Bo Kyung Kim, Presentation 2: Tae Gyun Park & Chiyeong Kim, Presentation 3: Chong-Sup Kim & Yujin Gum, Presentation 4: Juhyeon Lee, Discussant: Yeri Shim

Domestic Academic Conferences


No.NameConference TitleHost InstitutionConference Period (Presentation Date)Panel NamePaper Title

한국라틴아메리카학회 2021 하계학술대회

“라틴아메리카의 민주주의: 위기와 기회”

한국라틴아메리카학회2021.07.16.라틴아메리카 경제Factors Leading to Success or Failure of Land Reform – the Case of South Korea and Chile (김종섭, 이수지)

한국정치외교사학회 2021 하계학술회의

“미중 전략경쟁과 한반도 평화체제 구축의 과제”

한국정치외교사학회2021.08.26. – 27.
북한 비핵화와 한반도 안보 및 평화
(대학원생 패널)
Reinforcing the National Cybersecurity Governance in South Korea: Threats and Opportunities
3강경희2021 국제개발협력학회 동계학술회의 “대전환기 개발협력의 방향성: 새로운 파트너십 모색”국제개발협력학회2021.11.26. – 27.
Shocks, the Vulnerable, and Development Cooperation in Africa
(대학원생 패널 I)
How Should International Development Strategies Approach to the prevalence of gender-based violence in Africa, especially under the COVID-19 and Beyond?
4Carmen Maria Lopez2021 국제개발협력학회 동계학술회의 “대전환기 개발협력의 방향성: 새로운 파트너십 모색”국제개발협력학회2021.11.26. – 27.
국제개발협력과 안보의 동학
(대학원생 패널 II)
The Future of the China-US Dual Hierarchy and Korea: South China Sea Dispute
5최석원한국국제정치학회 2021 연례학술대회 “공생의 세계질서를 위한 한국의 국제정치학”한국국제정치학회2021.12.10. – 11.
글로벌 거버넌스와 권위주의
(대학원생 패널 I)
Korean Aid Towards International Organization: Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Its relation to Asian Partners for Cooperation
6부예린한국국제정치학회 2021 연례학술대회 “공생의 세계질서를 위한 한국의 국제정치학”한국국제정치학회2021.12.10. – 11.
글로벌 거버넌스와 권위주의
(대학원생 패널 I)
The Fault Lines of Cyberspace Governance: A Case Study into the OEWG Process and its Geopolitical Context
7김예인한국국제정치학회 2021 연례학술대회 “공생의 세계질서를 위한 한국의 국제정치학”한국국제정치학회2021.12.10. – 11.
글로벌 거버넌스와 권위주의
(대학원생 패널 I)
Subnational Identities and Political Violence in post-Soviet Autocracies, 1990-2014
8유지민2021년 한국라틴아메리카학회, 외교부, 한국외대 중남미연구소 HK+사업단 공동 동계학술대회한국라틴아메리카학회2021.12.18.기후변화와 불평등Do Remittances Reduce the Inequality of Sending Regions? – A Case Study of Mexico (김종섭, 유지민)
9박효진2022년 한국라틴아메리카학회, 부산외대 중남미지역원, 한국외대 중남미연구소 HK+사업단 공동 하계학술대회한국라틴아메리카학회2022.06.11라틴아메리카의 여성과 정책법이 관습을 견인하는가? 르완다와 니카라과의 젠더 사례
10이수지2022년 한국라틴아메리카학회, 부산외대 중남미지역원, 한국외대 중남미연구소 HK+사업단 공동 하계학술대회한국라틴아메리카학회2022.06.11라틴아메리카의 여성과 정책Female Political Participation and Gender Sensitive Policies during the COVID-19 Pandemic: the Case of Latin American Countries (김종섭, 이수지)
11전현지무역구제학회 2022 하계학술대회 “포스트코로나 시대의 글로벌 경제 회복력과 무역구제제도의 발전 방향”무역구제학회 2022.06.17 무역구제학회 패널 Evolution and Limitations of the Lesser Duty Rule under the WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement
12장인화동아시아 일본학회 추계학술대회동아시아 일본학회 2022.11.05일반연구발표
제3분과: 日本學
현대 일본종교의 생존전략 분석: 신사(神社)를 중심으로
13강나경2022 글로벌 코리아 포럼국무조정실 2022.11.24유럽과 가치중심의 경제협력과 개발협력 파트너십 강화
미중 패권구도에서 유럽의 대외 경제협력의 쟁점
14강나경 2023 경제학 공동학술대회한국경제학회 2023.02.02한국EU학회
디지털 및 녹색 전환에서의 브뤼셀 현상: 유럽연합의 지속가능한 개발 중심으로

Overseas Fieldwork

No. Name Country (Host Institution) Position Fieldwork Period Research Title


(Zambia National Commission for UNESCO)

Visiting Student Researcher  2021.07.01. – 2021.08.13. Background Research on ‘Aid Ownership’: Understanding East Asian Foreign Aid From a Recipient Perspective
2 Ha Kyeng AN


(Logos Institute of Foreign Languages)

Visitor  2023.08.06. – 2023.08.19. Chinese Border Policies and Border Restructuring: A Case Study of Boten and Vientiane